Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Vintage Thingies Thursday and another giveaway hint!

A few weeks ago I blogged about my thrifting adventures and the delicious display of antique insulators I found.

Today, in honor of Vintage Thingies Thursday, I thought I would share some of the lovelies that came home with me.

Originally, glass insulators were used to protect homes from lightening strikes. Then in the mid 1800s to keep up with technological progress, glass insulators for wiring began being produced.

The shapes and sizes changed as our needs changed.

And here's something eco-cool and SO ahead of it's time. Did you know that insulators were often made from recycled glass? End of day scraps and old bottles were often heated and then pressed together to make insulators (which accounts for color swirls you often see inside them when held up to the light.)

I just began collecting so I don't have any uber valuable pieces, but I do have a favorite. It is this emerald green Brookfield insulator. Not only is the color a gorgeous rich shade, but there is an amber swirl running through the middle and my favorite part- there is an embossing error. It reads "BROOKFIFED" instead of "BROOKFIELD" on it.

I plan on making something crafty with a select few of these very soon. It will be beachy, decorative AND functional. What could be better than that?! Check back soon to see what I create!

Linking up to Vintage Thingies Thursday over at Coloradolady's.


Have your eyes glassed over at all the things on my website that could possibly be given away this weekend?


  1. My husband has a few of these, they really are very pretty and you can use them so many ways!! Have a great VTT!

  2. I love the information about insulators, and I've never seen one that was white! Great shapes and colors, super find!

  3. I have a few of these. But I have never seen one in White. What a great find. Can't wait to see what you make with them. Blessings, Vicky

  4. Can't wait to see your creations!

  5. Nice shapes, colors, and photos! I like them just the way they are!

  6. can't wait to see what you do woth them. I have several also, but never seen a white one. Great finds!

  7. I've never seen any glass ones before - but I likey alot!!

  8. Vintage glass things always impress me because glass beaks so easily. I know whatever you make will be awesome...I also love functional! Peace, Stephanie

  9. I have several of those, and they sit on my back porch railing, where they catch the morning light. You've got yourself a great collection, and I especially like the darker green one!
    Happy VTT!

  10. I love insulators. When my dad had his basement dug out, I found some insulaotrs in the dirt. Those colors are so rich. Here in Montreal there's a guy that makes lamps from them.

  11. Love your collection..the older glass is always so pretty,the dark green one is my favorite,tho I know it's not nice to play favorites. :).
    Happy VTT..have a wonderful weekend.

  12. In the spring and summer I use my insulators in the garden. I sit them ontop of a metal pole to add decoration to my gardens. Neat collection.

  13. Hi Suzanne, yes, the colors instantly make me think of sea glass which is my other obsession, ahem, collection. They're so summery and watery! As soon as I saw my first one, I was in love!

    Elizabeth, thanks for visiting, the white one is ceramic and is really quite lovely. I was impressed with the history of them as well- I love that so many of them were made from recycled product!

    Grannys Attic and Maureen, thanks for visiting, I think the white one is a popular choice today! I am hoping to get crafty with these very very soon!

    Postcardy- I think they're lovely "as is" too, right now they're all sitting on my windowsill doing nothing but being pretty. :)

    Dragonfly, thanks for stopping by, Hoping I can start the craft I plan for these really soon!

    Elizabeth, thanks for stopping by, if not glass, what sort of insulators have you seen? I'm interested to know what I'm missing out on, lol!

    Stephanie, isn't it amazing how these things survive? I have found several shards washed up on the beaches but the amount of them still intact today is incredible!

    Carol, oooh lovely! When I add to my collection I think and outdoor use is definitely in order, especially with summer just around the corner!

    Vonlipi, how neat that there were some buried beneath the house- and lamps? That sounds SO cool!

    HI CC thanks for stopping over, isn't that green one STUNNING?!

    Ann- I love the idea of adding them to the garden for more color, very inspiring, my mind is reeling now!


  14. I have never seen anyone make anything with those. I will be back to see what you make with them.
    Happy VTT!!

  15. Very cool post. I like the green one too and it seems it must be more rare or valuable with the misspelling. Thanks for sharing!

  16. Thanks for sharing all the interesting information on the insulators. You have some beauties. I look forward to seeing what creative idea you come up with.

  17. Wow...memory lane! My dad was a supervisor of construction for the new york state thruway years ago and used to pick these up all the time...finding them in the wierdest places. He had tons of them in our front room so when the light shone in the window, it was quite a spectacular thing. He sold them all at a yard sale before him and mom moved to north carolina a few years ago.

  18. These are really beautiful colors!

    Thanks for the info-we've seen insulators before on VTT and I never knew what they used for.

  19. Hello Tara, Great post today. I used to pick those up as I walked along the train tracks as a kid...Julian

  20. Great collection! Can't wait to see more.


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