Creative, Crafty and Funny Blogs to check out!
Sparkle-Sparkle is the author of two cat-to-cat advice books (no humans!), has her own Muse Medallion-winning calendar and is one of the original cat bloggers - she has been blogging since January, 2003!
The Third Uncle- Honour Among Thieves (and all that)
My gypsygoods- My Etsy Shop-Family-Saving Money-&-Eco-Blog
the crazy suburban mom-dont judge me till you've gone a mile in my mini van
The Sewing Mom-Personal blog showcasing my fabric creations. I also talk about family, friends, hobbies, cooking and daily life.
The Beadings and Buttons of Randomcreative-I chose my username because I have always enjoyed making random creative projects using all different colors and materials. I opened my Etsy shop on Halloween of 2008.
amy lilley designs-A visual experience of my art, photography, jewelry, including gifted Etsy artists and many more as I cruise along....
Ruth's Creations-This is my blog where I write, among other things, about my online business selling crocheted items I make. Part of my sales are donated to Demelza House Children's Hospice, the favored charity of British actor Daniel Radcliffe.
Alterity Art-Specializing in No Harm antique and vintage button jewelry to preserve button's value and hierloom/museum quality of the jewery. Each piece is one of a kind :]
Melissas Jewelry and Gem Blog-All about jewelry and gemstones. Handmade jewelry, collectible gemstones
What a nice tribute to your readers! Looks like we're going visiting!