Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Three long days of hard labor

NO. Not babies, patio building, lol!
My soft, unsuspecting green grass at 7:30 on Saturday morning.

The overgrown forsythia, creeping vines, brush, bramble and weeds.

Oh my gosh, I think we are probably insane.

We have hauled close to 800 pounds of yard waste.

We have gone to the dump twice will overflowing truck beds.

We have another truck load sitting and waiting to go.

We have consumed probably around 40 ibuprofens.

and 20 or 30 Gatorades.

SEVERAL loads of filthy laundry.

Found: 1 yellow jacket nest- under there.

The place where we were tossing all the stones we came across. They didn't like that.

An unanticipated side project of having to move all that dirt.

we had to clear the back and side yards- which I didn't intend to do until next year.

But now $60 worth of garden edging and several dozen wheel barrows of dirt raked out gives me raised beds all along the perimeter.

Now I have to get some composted manure and some peat moss.

But first we have to start laying the bricks.


Guess what we're doing next weekend?


  1. Looks like you guys worked hard, and it looks great so far! Can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. wOW! That is some serious hard labor! It's going to look great.


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