Thursday, September 2, 2010

August's Top Droppers!

I've been a total slacker about thanking my top Entrecard Droppers lately and I'm sorry folks! It's been pure laziness, I wish I had a better excuse.

So now, apologies out of the way, I give you my top droppers for August:

Sparkle: Sparkle is the author of two cat-to-cat advice books (no humans!), has her own Muse Medallion-winning calendar and is one of the original cat bloggers - she has been blogging since January, 2003!

bethere2day: bethere2day is a personal blog about anything and everything, fun, humour, randomness and rants.

Joe Taxpayer: A personal finance blog, topics include investing, taxes, finance, debt, retirement. Your EC ad will appear above the line on my blog.

Another Fine Meal
: A personal blog to share family recipes. Your ad will appear above the line on my blog. I am trying to only accept ads that fall into my category, to benefit both my readers and advertisers.

The Beadings and Buttons of Randomcreative: I chose my username because I have always enjoyed making random creative projects using all different colors and materials. I opened my Etsy shop on Halloween of 2008.

Megan Bayliss: Small business website matcher and freelance writer. I match and support small business websites and blogs to encourage a year round Christmas spirit of goodwill, generosity, altruism and giving. Our all year secret Santa fun = motivated traffic to you.

The Crazy Suburban Mom
: don't judge me till you've gone a mile in my mini van

amy lilley designs: A visual experience of my art, photography, jewelry, including gifted Etsy artists and many more as I cruise along....

Guide to Life for Women: Entertaining Ideas, Recipes and Menus, Wine Reviews, Diet and Exercise Tips, Health and Nutrition Articles, Organized Living...and General Women's Interests.

Getting Busy Living: I am a British man living with my American wife in the English countryside. We love to explore and have fun with our differences, although we are much more alike than we are different. Follow our travels and travails and expect the unexpected.


  1. Tara, thank YOU. I visit you because I LOVE your blog. Your style, your photographs, your art and your sense of humour make me drool.

    It's just a bonus that I can drop an entrecard on you and gain a point for it. But, I would still visit even if you were not a part of entrecard.

  2. A belated thanks for the nod! :-)


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