Thursday, October 21, 2010

Happy Birthday Aidan A Before and After and Giveaway Reminder!

Whew! Tons of stuff to talk about- it's been a busy two weeks! So sorry to leave you all hanging with no new posts, bad blogger!

First, a very happy birthday to my big boy, Aidan, who turns 7 today! We had his Super Mario Brothers themed party on Sunday and he had a blast! Here are some of the highlights

Today is his actual birthday so I left him a good morning message he couldn't miss!

A little side story first... Maybe you remember before, I had this really odd really odd wall thing in my dining room. Waaaaay back when, it used to be a window. And then the previous owners covered it up when they built on the garage addition. But they didn't just drywall it. For some reason, they left the window surround and the wife painted this tree thing in the middle of it.

My quick fix was to paint it white and fill it with photos

A year of that was enough for me, and I decided I needed a change. I bought a pot of chalkboard paint and got to work. We now have this giant chalkboard the kids can color on and practice writing and math- two things they love to do!

What do you think?

And finally, don't forget to enter to win this beautiful glass ornament- today is the last day!


  1. Happy Birthday to your sweet Aidan, what a fun age and his birthday party looked like great fun!

    I love your chalkboard, we have one too and they are just the best for doing all sorts of things from homework to leaving notes!

    I'm off to enter your great giveaway! I love anything blue heron related

    Kat :)

  2. The chalkboard is an awesome idea!!!

  3. Happy birthday Aidan! I love you!


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