My adventures shopping and meeting Beachcombers!
>> Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Okay so finally I have taken, edited and hosted the photos of my henna tattoo experience, my first set of glass bangles and a picture of the awesome Mother's Day gift my hubby gave me. :) All of this stuff is available from Beachcombers! online shopping boutique. First, while on vacation in Florida I mentioned that my family went to meet our online friends Jody and Asad- owners of Beachcombers!
Jody is a bit of a henna artist with (I believe) two published Henna Design books to her name. She decided to treat me to henna tattoos on my feet and worked her design around the ink tattoo I have on my left foot.
The final photo is the finished henna with a sugar and lemon juice sealant over it. (I promise, my feet are not that shiny and sweaty LOL!) I put on a pair of old socks and let the henna stay on overnight and scraped the remnants off the next morning. The end result was a gorgeous deep amber tattoo stain that lasted over a month!Okay, the next totally cool thing that Jody did for me was to make me a custom set of glass bangle bracelets. I purchased a pair of khussa flats from her (like really cool and comfy ballet slippers that form to your feet) and as a surprise she made me a bangle set to match! (I'm using one of Beachcombers! photos of the shoes I bought so you can see how the bangles match with it)
I fell so in love with these bangles that I popped them on with a tank top and jeans, slipped my khussa on my feet and went out to dinner feeling totally chic! (Which is super cool for a mom who generally feels blah and boring :) ) When we came home from our trip I mentioned to my husband that I needed to find something to store my bangles in so they didn't get broken or slide all over my dresser. Also, Jody works hard to put the bangles in a funky arrangement and if they're not kept in order you have to sit there and rearrange them again and you're never quite sure you have it how she put had them originally. (which actually I am learning is part of the fun now- I have started getting a few different sets and mixing and matching them as my outfits change is a great way to expand my jewelry "wardrobe"!)Anyway, I showed my husband the storage cases that Beachcombers! sells on their website and then didn't think anything more of it. On Mother's Day I was feeling sort of bummed because my husband had worked all night the night before and was sleeping so I was left to tend to the kids and house as usual. Nothing special for me this Mother's Day. I cooked breakfast for everyone and then after I was done cleaning up I took a break to go do some flower planting outside. When I came back in my husband had a beautiful metal embossed bangle storage case sitting on the counter and it was filled with 3 more sets of glass bangles! YAY! Only bad thing was it was full so there was no room to put my original set. So of course, I had to order another box and another set of bangles so the first set wouldn't get lonely. :)
Okay, okay. I'm done touting Beachcombers! for today but seriously- they're an awesome store, Jody and Asad have THE BEST customer service (not just because they happen to know me they are that way with all their clients.) They will help you out with finding whatever you need, guide you if you're looking to create something personalized and walk you through any questions you have to make your shopping experience a thrill. They rock and I'm lucky to call them my friends! Ciao for now!
Update! Jody and Asad have expanded their business to include a Brick and Mortar location in the trendy College Park Shopping District just outside Orlando, FL. You can get directions and information here.
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