And the Junk Gods looked down and said Let There be PYREX!
On Saturday morning, I set out bright and early with my yardsale list all mapped out and my cash in hand. 90 minutes and 10 sales later, I came home deflated and disappointed.
The only thing I found worth considering was an old metal watering can, but the seller was firm on his price of $10!-75% of the cash I had, so I told him "No thank you" and headed to my car. He called out to me that several people were interested in it. Seriously? I turned back to him as I climbed into my car and said that perhaps if he wasn't charging so much for it, one of us interested people might have actually purchased it.
Now normally I wouldn't have been so abrupt, but it was a long hot morning and he had it coming. Standing there all smug with his pile of broken things that he wanted an arm and a leg for.
But I digress-
A few minutes after returning home, I realized I was out of 1/2 and 1/2 for the coffee, so I headed back out to the store. I decided to swing by this little junk shop down the road, which is almost never open. Well the junk gods were smiling down on me this day as they were wide open and I walked right in to find Pyrex to my left, Pyrex to my right and Pyrex dead ahead of me!
I played it cool and wandered past it, heading towards the glassware. I wasn't worried about anyone else spotting what I spotted- I was the only person there. I casually picked up a glass and then walked over to a pile of filthy plates, grabbing a small Pyrex bowl as I moved and then sifted through the miscellaneous dishes.
Then I wandered into the lean-to out back and the shed behind that. Nothing too interesting, so I headed back through the winding path of dusty dirty things and towards the exit to find the shop keeper.
As she grabbed a pad and pen (they're real technical with pricing and payments here) I slyly scooped up two more Pyrex pieces -WITH LIDS- and stacked them on the table. "Can you tally me up?" I asked. "I've only got a few dollars on me and don't want to overspend."
"We take checks," she said.
"Oh, I don't believe in checks," I lied back, smiling.
She glanced at the dirty mess I'd stacked up in front of her and says "$10". Inside I'm doing cartwheels, outside I'm cool as a cucumber. *Swoon* 3 lovely Pyrex pieces and a funky 50's glass tumbler for the price of one rusted, dented and rotted watering can.
"I think I just have enough" I replied. We made our exchange, I kept it together long enough to chat with her about my Blue Heaven dishes. Then, as soon as we said our goodbyes, I ran/walked back to the car, anxious to get my beautiful new goodies home.
Here they are in all their disgusting glory. I tell you, they were gross.
The tumbler came complete with a stuck-to-the-inside bug carcass. Yummy.
Grease galore on the tiny Butterprint bowl.
Actual dirt inside the Snowflake Garland casseroles. What- were these buried in someone's yard and just recently unearthed? Ew!
But of course I saw past all that. I know the beauty that likes beneath that grime!
Look at how they glisten now! I feel like the cat that ate the canary!
Next weekend I'm going to see if I can catch them while they're open and I'm going to check to see if the nesting bowls I spotted last week are still there... I didn't want to seem over zealous!
Linking up to Vintage Thingies Thursday with Suzanne, the Coloradolady.
Sea Glass Bookmarks!
>> Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I have 3 pretty new sea glass bookmarks listed in my Etsy shop.
Can't you just picture yourself sitting by the water with a fabulous book, no sounds but the gently lapping waves and a gull calling out in the distance...
This firey red gem is ultra rare and my favorite!
Perfectly frosted and smooth, this kelly green one would look lovely between the pages of a good book...
More new Etsy AND eBay listings coming this week, stay tuned!
Grilled Corn with Herb Butter, a recipe
>> Friday, June 25, 2010
With the summer season upon us, many people look for new ways to enjoy the old favorite- corn on the cob. Here's my slightly kicked up version!
4 ears of corn
1 stick butter, softened at room temp
2 TBSP fresh finely chopped parsley
1 TBSP fresh finely minced chives
2 garlic cloves
Dash of red pepper flakes
First, peel back the corn husks but DO NOT remove them. Pull out the silks and dispose of them. Recover the corn in the remaining husk.
Submerge corn in a container of cold water for 10-15 minutes. Mine needed help staying down, yes that's a Jungle Book coffee mug contributing to the cause. This allows the husks to absorb water, which keeps them from catching fire on the grill.
While corn is soaking, make your herb butter. Mash butter with a fork until smooth. Add parsley, chives, garlic paste and a dash of red pepper flake to the butter and stir to combine.
To make garlic paste, smash two garlic cloves with your knife. Sprinkle with salt then press and smear with the side of the blade repeatedly until a smooth paste is formed.
Remove the corn from the water and drain on a dish towel. Peel back the husks and slather with the butter.
Replace the husks over the corn and place on a hot grill for 15 minutes.
Spoon the rest of your butter mixture onto a piece of wax paper, roll it into a tube and chill or freeze for future use.
Delicious on baked potatoes!
Take the corn from the grill, allow to cool for a couple of minutes, then remove the blackened husks and serve!
Nani's Necchi!
>> Wednesday, June 23, 2010
How's that for a catchy post title?
So here she is in all her turquoisy glory. (Boy do you think my grandmother preplanned for me or what?!)
The 1955 Necchi Automatic Supernova Ultra sewing machine my grandmother (Nani) bought to sew drapes for the house she and my grandfather bought that same year.
The sewing machine she sewed on until she couldn't sew anymore. And now she's mine.
Every tool and attachment still in perfect working order and all stored away in the little box it came in.
Instruction manual and supplementary manual
I need to have it cleaned and the insulation on the wiring has corroded so needs to be redone, but other than that, she's in great condition and I can't wait to start using her!
What vintage family treasures have you uncovered lately? I'm linking up with Suzanne over at Coloradolady for Vintage Thingies Thursday. Head on over and check out all the other vintage lovelies!
Graduation day for my baby!
>> Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Today my oldest son graduated from 8th grade.
Here. Comes. High. School. Me. Mom. To. A. High. Schooler.
Where on earth did the time go?
8 kids out of 135 had perfect attendance.
My kid was one of 'em. And we forgive the C that we know you struggled to earn in Math. Not many kids take Accelerated Algebra I in 8th grade anyway.
13 years old and a solid inch taller than the principal and superintendent with their heels on. Holy Smokes. Football here we come.
You're awesome, Aus. Papa and I are proud of you.
Love, Mama
Look what I won!
>> Monday, June 21, 2010
If you love to cook or bake and you've never visited The Apron Goddesses, you don't know what you're missing!
These girls post some of the most yummy recipes paired with the most amazing aprons I've ever seen! Their blog shines the spotlight on creative ladies who make apron wearing an art. From the actual seamstresses who make the aprons to the girls who just love to wear 'em (like me!)- their blog is full of festive photos, information on great indy shops and delicious recipes from their resident cook The Ungourmet.
Julia and Suzi are your hostesses and they work hard to hunt down fabulous new aprons and share them with their readers. I entered and won a giveaway they held giving away an apron made by Suzanne from the Farmer's Wife - at Home. I won one of the GREEN LINE APRONS - (from their shop description)
If you see the phrase "Green Line" in the description, it refers to the aprons which are constructed from repurposed men's dress shirts, paired with designer fabrics and trims.
Repurposed and new materials.
Mine is called The Chicken and The Egg and it is just adorable! I love all the special touches she adds- like keeping the Ralph Lauren logo visible on the inside and the buttons going down the back.
I got it in the mail this weekend- it is FABULOUS. Crisply starched, folded perfectly with an adorable hang tag and washing instructions. I am in love! I wore it Sunday morning to prepare breakfast for Father's Day.
Actually, I wound up wearing it all afternoon- as I watered plants, did housework, etc. I actually forgot I had it on, lol!
I love this apron and am so so excited to have won it and can't thank the girls at The Apron Goddesses enough for hosting the giveaway. They are currently giving away an embroidered chef's coat made by Crooked Brook. The giveaway ends June 25th, so hurry on over and check it out! And do also check out all of their lovely apron wearing and making sponsors and get a cute little apron for yourself!