See You Next Week!

>> Saturday, July 24, 2010

Took the kiddos to Maine, see you all next week! Happy blogging!

A New Sea Glass Window

>> Friday, July 23, 2010

I used almost exclusively sea glass collected in Jamestown and Newport, RI for this window. For a client from Jamestown.

All the coke bottle green on the right comes from the shoreline near the Naval Base in Newport. Apparently soldiers drank lots and lots of Coca Cola!

Dry setting is complete

Resin poured

Cured and ready for hanging (hard to get a good photo of the green sea glass in the evening light, sorry!)

Fairly Traditional New England Lobster Rolls, a recipe

>> Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Since we enjoyed an obscene amount of lobster on Saturday night, we wound up with a decent container of leftovers on Sunday. I decided that some lobster rolls were in order. This recipe makes 2 hearty sandwiches!

1 cup of fully cooked and cooled lobster meat (fresh is best!)
2 stalks of celery, diced
1/3 cup vidalia onion, diced
1/2 cup Hellman's mayonnaise
juice of 1/2 a lemon
1 TBSP fresh chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Sandwich requirements:

2 rolls (traditional calls for New England style hot dog rolls) I've used two Italian sandwich rolls, sliced down the top and hollowed out.
2 leaves of Romaine lettuce

Rough chop your lobster meat then combine it with the celery and onion. Whisk together the mayonnaise, lemon juice, parsley, salt and pepper. Add the mayonnaise mixture to the lobster and refrigerate while preparing your rolls.

Roll prep:
If you are using the traditional N.E. style hot dog rolls, butter the outsides and grill in a frying pan over medium heat until golden brown (1-2 minutes).

If using larger grinder/sub/hoagie style rolls, slice them down the top- but not in half- and using your finger, pull out some of the bread to create a hollowed center to make room for the filling. Since these rolls are typically crustier on the outside than hot dog rolls, you can't really butter the outsides, but you can still get that buttery yummy taste! Place a 1/2 TBSP of butter into a pan over medium heat and warm the rolls, using tongs to turn them every minute until desired result is achieved.

Line your rolls with a crisp leaf of Romaine lettuce and fill with the lobster salad. Serve immediately.

Cucumber Salad, a recipe

>> Tuesday, July 20, 2010

This recipe is so light and refreshing. Perfect for hot summer nights when you don't feel like cooking and a great use for the bounty of cucumbers available during these warm months!

4 small to medium cucumbers, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup water
1/2 cup white vinegar
2 TBSP sugar
1 1/2 tsp dill weed
salt and pepper to taste

Place the cucumbers into a bowl, whisk together remaining ingredients and pour over cucumbers. Place a lid on the bowl and weight it down to submerge all cucumbers. Refrigerate for at least 1/2 an hour before serving. Enjoy!

Daytripping. Two sisters, their guys and their bikes on a tour of The Block.

>> Monday, July 19, 2010

Block Island, RI. A tiny gem of an island hidden away in RI waters.

Meegan and Jay

This is what you resort to for a hair style after several hours in a motorcycle helmet

The Southeast Light

A private residence just beyond the lighthouse

The Mohegan Bluffs

The tide was level with this old pier

Turquoise green waters

What I'd do for one of these houses...

Toes in the water, toes in the sand

Back in town

Hydrangeas of purple, magenta, blue and white dominate the landscape

Two contented and tired souls just about ready to head home

Our lady awaits us

In the queue

Pulling out of the harbor

That's one happy dude

The wave runners chase the ferry home

Some fresh caught local lobsters picked up back on the mainland make for a lovely end to a perfect day

Bathrooms and Buckets. A Quick Before and After.

>> Sunday, July 18, 2010

Well, sorta. Not a whole bathroom before and after, but definitely a bucket makeover- and done for free!

1 old vintage tin bucket

A homemade stencil

Trace it out with a pencil

Craft paint and brushes

Fill it in with a steady hand

Viola- a spiffy new bathroom stuff holder (that's such a catchy name, I think I'll trademark it)!

(this would also make an adorable planter pot out on the front steps!)

Linking up to Vintage Thingies Thursday with our hostess Suzanne, The Colorado Lady

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