Work in Progress Wednesday, a plethora of pendants and earrings!
>> Wednesday, September 28, 2011
On deck this week- pendants and earrings, mostly of the seashell variety.
Work in progress Wednesday v2.0
>> Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Now that the kiddos are gone all day at school, I am trying to get back to work full-force. Today I'm fulfilling a pendant order for a local retail shop.
And the little seahorse in the bottom left corner is going to go to Etsy when he's finished.
More photos later this week!
Back to school, etsy and other blah blah
>> Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Well between Hurricane (Tropical Storm) Irene, loss of electricity for several days and school starting last week, it's been chaotic around here to say the least.
Last Wednesday Aidan started second grade and Avery went in for his Kindergarten orientation.
On Thursday, I put my baby on the "big kid bus" for his first full day of school. Aidan was so cute. "Come on, Avery, I'll show you what to do" taking him by the hand...
With the kids off to school and several hours all to myself each day now, I have begun a real and true full time work schedule for myself. Difficult for a WAHM.
Today I shut down my website and in the process moved another 30 some odd items over to my new Etsy shop.
I also listed some items to my original Etsy shop. (now the proud wearer of my domain name
I was supposed to start running again today. I had been running 4 miles a day, about 5 times a week. Then I broke my toe. And, well, that ended that. I've been two months without a run.
So I had it all planned out. To start with, I will run Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays immediately after the kids get on the bus and I'll be back home and ready to work by 10:00. This morning I woke up, suited up with my new sneaks
and came out to the kitchen to see it was torrentially raining. And it's supposed to do it ALL WEEK LONG.
I guess there's no harm in waiting another week, right? Ugh.
In other news, I saw a great tutorial for making these little felt flowers to put together a wreath today.
I'm going to make one for my fireplace mantel that should stretch me through until Christmas time.
It's now entering the 3:00 hour- which is my draggin hour.
I could just crawl into bed and sleep til dinner. What do you do to stay awake when the mid afternoon drags hit you? Read more...
National Grid finally found us!
>> Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thankful for running water.
The kids asked when we were going camping when they saw me take out this stuff. I told them we already were! :)
Maybe we'll pitch one of the tents tonight if the power is still out...
In anticipation
>> Saturday, August 27, 2011
We are packing up and moving to higher ground. Due to our proximity to the water, we're in a mandatory evacuation area and have to be out by 10am tomorrow morning.
So we picked every last veggie we could see
and took some farewell shots of our 2011 garden as it may well be ruined when we come home on Monday.
Stay safe everyone!
I give you my heart
>> Thursday, August 18, 2011
Honkin big sea glass, seaside cliffs and cairns, oh my!
>> Wednesday, August 17, 2011
This past Saturday we took our annual (this is our second year and we plan to do it again next year, so that makes it "annual" now right?) trip out to Block Island, RI with the motorcycles.
A gorgeous day riding around the island and stopping at the beaches to wade, look for sea glass and relax.
I was lucky enough to find the first piece of glass
In the 16th century the island natives, the Niantic chased the invading Mohegan tribe off the bluffs, nearly 200 feet to their deaths. Climbing up and down the bluffs today is made possible by way of a 144 step staircase built into the side.
At the base of the bluffs, there are cairns (man made rock stack formations) everywhere.
Some were simply amazing.
Then on the west side of the island I found an uber piece of turquoise. And at the exact moment that I yelled out to Ed to come look at the color I found he calls out to me "does it look anything like this?" and walks up behind me with a teal chunk (and I do mean chunk) of insulator glass.
Holy freakin smokes! There's a reason I married this guy. This just might be it.
We win for the best glass found this weekend. ;) Read more...
Made. New sea glass starfish bracelet
>> Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Be still my heart... work in progress Wednesday
>> Wednesday, August 10, 2011
I've got a ton of work on my bench this week, but the most exciting is this pendant I'm designing.
It's almost finished and I can't wait to see it all shiny and ready to wear!
I've opened a new Etsy shop filled with craft supplies!
>> Tuesday, August 9, 2011
I have so many craft shells and beach themed supplies I decided it was time for them to have their own shop!
A smattering of what you'll find:
Click the logo or the link above to come check it out!