Finished, sold and for sale!

>> Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Just finished a batch of pendants- the first is available now in my Etsy shop

These are sold,

but I'm working on more!

All you need is love...

>> Thursday, January 19, 2012

Inspired by the LOVE sign in the city of brotherly love

I created this Valentine's mantel for less than $20
I used 12" solid wood letters on sale for $2.99 each at Joann, leftover spray paint and some strips of a clementine crate stapled onto the back to hold the pieces together.

Add to that a couple of picture hanger hooks from the junk drawer and a $7 bouquet of tulips split up into several clear glass vases I already owned.
The bunting is simply card stock and yarn, both pulled from my craft stash.

I don't usually "do" Valentine's day. I often feel like so many of the decorations I see in stores are frilly, sparkly and too pink for me. But I'm digging the color red lately so I figured why the heck not? Red is so very Valentine's and the pop against the white brick and turquoise chair lets me feel like my house still maintains it's vibe (i.e. not getting too foo-foo)

Do you decorate for Valentine's Day?

Oh, and a BIG OL' HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my girl Lexi!

Giveaway Winner!

>> Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hi everyone, sorry I've been so busy I forgot to announce the winner of the bangle bracelet giveaway! I used and our winner is...

Commenter number 10- Lavender Dreamer who said:
"What beautiful jewelry! I just hopped over from Kim's! We decided, since no one was coming to visit....that we would pack a picnic and spend the day on the beach on Christmas day! I think we've started a new tradition! We would love to do it every year! ♥"

Congratulations and thanks to everyone who participated!

Work In Progress Wednesday for January 11th

>> Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Just finished the soldering process on these beauties- most are for two different clients, the top one will go into my Etsy shop.

Tomorrow I have to set the glass in all of these and get them polished up. I'll do some glamour shots on Friday!

Speaking of Friday, there's still time to enter the giveaway
for one of my sterling silver bangles!

Happy New Year, Works in Progress, Where the heck have I been? And a Giveaway!

>> Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hello everybody! Sorry I've been AWOL for so long- autumn was just insane with, well, life! Birthdays, holidays, craft shows, custom work, new clients, etc and something had to give, so I gave myself a break from blogging.

We've celebrated Thanksgiving
Watched sunrises
And sunsets
We've done craft shows
We've celebrated Christmas and New Years
(looking for the pickle)
and also my 36th birthday (dinner at a Japanese steakhouse followed by a movie, with a pit stop to the photo booth in the lobby)- just to name a few!
Today I'm back to work making new pendants
And it just so happens that my Work in Progress Wednesday post is also my 300th blog post. So to celebrate that milestone (as well as all the others that I've passed in the last few months) I'm doing a giveaway. It's been a long time since I've sent one of my readers a piece of jewelry in a giveaway, so I thought now would be the perfect time!
If you'd like a chance to win one of my new bangles, read on! They are sterling silver, hand forged by me, featuring a sterling silver sand dollar or scallop shell charm.
They are a standard 8.5 inch (large) size but I do have a few that are smaller, so if you win and need the smaller size, just let me know!

Here's the lowdown on entering to win:

1. As usual, leave a comment telling me a recent milestone you've celebrated.
2. For 1 additional entry, tweet about this giveaway and report back here with a separate comment linking to said tweet.
3. For a 3rd chance to enter, blog about this giveaway or post it to your sidebar. Again, come back here and leave a separate comment linking to your blog.

That's up to 3 chances to win! Deadline for entry is Friday the 13th of January (eek!) at Midnight, ET

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