Good morning, Happy Easter

>> Sunday, April 24, 2011

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South of the border

>> Saturday, April 16, 2011

It's been a harrowing trip. The traffic was unreal. We pit-stopped in Richmond, VA at 2:30 in the morning. We were supposed to arrive around midnight.

We slept until 6 and got back on the road at 6:30. We were met with more bumper to bumper traffic throughout NC, it took us about 7 1/2 hours to navigate I-95 and reach SC.

Everyone was very happy to see that giant sombrero in the sky!

I am sooooooo tired. Oh, btw, if you're wondering- we are seasoned veterans of this trip, having made it 10 times in the past 13 years. We have never experienced the maddening traffic that we did over these past 27 hours.

A good night's sleep is calling!
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Who doesnt love a family road trip?

>> Friday, April 15, 2011

The family is piled into the Explorer, packed in like sardines. Driving over the George Washington Bridge in Friday evening traffic. I' ve never been so anxious to get to the Vince Lombardi rest area in my life!
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Work In Progress Wednesday, Week Five

>> Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Short and sweet today, because I have to get back to it!

Working on a large order of sea glass angels

It's never too early to work on Christmas ornaments around here, lol!

Some new vintage goodies added to my collection

>> Monday, April 11, 2011

I had another wonderful weekend of thrifting. All out, a total of $31 was spent for this terrific haul- scored big in the area of Pyrex, getting several promotional pieces

as well as a new piece to add to my Spring Blossom collection and a smaller piece to hold my Splenda packets (which was previously contained in my Butterfly Gold gravy boat in this post)
I got this funky glass tumbler with a raised avocado green design for $1
I also got these great tea cups and saucers.
My godmother previously got me a set of 4 of these cups- and the saucers are solid white and much thinner like the cups themselves, so I know these aren't a set, but the colors couldn't be more perfect.
There is no pattern name on the cups, but the mark on the back of my matching dinner plates says "American Ironstone".
The saucers say "Mayer China Beaver Falls, PA"
If anyone has info on the pattern names, please let me know!

It took me nearly 45 minutes, but I managed to rearrange the only TWO cupboards I use for display and fit all but one divided casserole into them.
In addition to Pyrex (for those of you who are new to my blog and don't know) I also collect Blue Heaven dishes- which we use for all our meals, so it's really convenient to have the doors removed for easy retrieval.
I am so happy that the thrift stores are starting to fill up with goodies again!

How to get Norma Jean's timeless nautical look. I've been featured!

>> Sunday, April 10, 2011

My frosted white sea glass bangle was one of the items featured on Bombshell Bettie's Vintage this week:

White Frosted Sea Glass Bracelet

My dish drain and counter are feeling the Pyrex love...

>> Saturday, April 9, 2011

My sister and I had a great day junkin- more photos later in the week!

Retro Tuesday, My Pyrex Dry Spell is Over!

>> Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Has anyone else noticed how barren the consignment and charity shops have been lately?! Every time I go, the shelves seem sparse on vintage goodies- but my dry spell ended this past weekend when I added these pieces to my collection.

A beautiful yellow (0)503 fridgie, with lid, my first piece of yellow- $12, but I couldn't leave it there in such pristine condition! (put it to quick use with some red cabbage slaw!)

This Butterfly Gold gravy boat which is currently holding my Splenda. (I am on the hunt for a small fridgie to take over this duty) This is another first for me as far as patterns go- $3.49
And this Snowflake Garland piece- which is actually a Corningware piece made for Pyrex- but I collect Snowflake Garland and at $3 and no scratches or chips, it was perfect to hold my sugar.
I also found this yummy black and white Gooseberry 2 1/2 qt mixing bowl for $3
Finally,it's not Pyrex, but certainly noteworthy, I also scored this adorable Anchor Hocking juice pitcher for $3
I am so happy to have some new springy pieces to add to my collection!

I am linking up today to the Coloradolady for Vintage Thingie Thursday and Brambleberry Cottage for Time Travel Thursday. Head on over to these great blogs and check out all the other vintage goodies people are bragging about!

I am purging, boy am I ever purging.

>> Monday, April 4, 2011

This weekend I worked on my bedroom closet. I thought it was fitting, since I have also been purging myself of some extra LB's since January and this week I crossed the 20 pounds lost mark!

Unfortunately, one of the things that comes with a small ranch house is small bedrooms with small closets. No such thing as a "master bedroom with walk-in closet and en suite" around here!

I share a barely double closet with my husband and typically, it looks like a bomb went off in there.

I have so many different sizes of clothes, I could start my own resale shop! I don't know why I hang on to this stuff. I guess fear I will need it some day or something? Well, I am tired of hanging on to things that don't fit- I am not going to live my life worrying that I will gain weight again. I have worked hard and am staying confident that I will no longer need those larger sized clothes.

I think I am also past needing to hang onto things that I've had since pre marriage and children (15+ years!) I am NOT going to wear that dress or those shoes any time soon.

I am ridding myself of this mound.
Which when neatly folded amounted to this
Which filled 4 kitchen trash bags and then some to the point of stuffed- which will be donated to Salvation Army.
I also cleared out my dresser drawers, but forgot to take a "before" photo. Here are the after shots of the cupboards in my dresser
I swapped out my heavy winter duvet for my lighter weight quilt, which freed up some of the upper shelf space in the closet.
I have a new home for my extra blankets inside this chest.
I scored these organizers from my neighbor's trash pile (yes, I'm a picker, but that's fashionable these days, isn't it?!)
I love that my sweaters won't topple over and fall on my head every time I reach up for one.
My LL Bean tote bag holds all my smaller hand bags and wallets while the pink quilted beach bag (made by my friend Maggie at Maggie's Handcraft Studio) holds all my bigger purses so I can swap out easily and keep everything accessible.
I still need to come up with a better shelving system for all the shoes on the floor, but at least with the random junk sorted out, it is tidied and I can find the shoes I want without shoving things about while sitting on the floor rooting around like a truffle hog!
And the best parts of this process are:
1. The organizing didn't cost me a dime!
2. I have room to put in some new clothes for the newly sized me!

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