Graduation day for my baby!
>> Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Today my oldest son graduated from 8th grade.
Here. Comes. High. School. Me. Mom. To. A. High. Schooler.
Where on earth did the time go?
8 kids out of 135 had perfect attendance.
My kid was one of 'em. And we forgive the C that we know you struggled to earn in Math. Not many kids take Accelerated Algebra I in 8th grade anyway.
13 years old and a solid inch taller than the principal and superintendent with their heels on. Holy Smokes. Football here we come.
You're awesome, Aus. Papa and I are proud of you.
Love, Mama
Congratulations on your son's must be so proud!!!
Time does tend to disappear when we aren't looking...
My grandsons will be graduating 8th grade this coming year ..:0)
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